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Mostrando resultados de 201
  • King Richard, the Lionheart - King Richard, the Lionheart

    EduBook Organización

    • 1532 visitas

    King Richard was born in Oxford on 8th September 1157. He was the third son of Henry II and Eleanor of Aquitaine. He was also called the Lionheart because of his great courage. Richard was tall,…

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  • Migration in Spain | Recurso educativo 567720

    Migration in Spain

    EduBook Organización

    • 1492 visitas

    4.1. Spain: a country of emigrants From the second half of the 19th century onwards, Spain became a country of emigrants, and maintained a negative net migration rate until the last decade of the 20th…

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  • Humanism | Recurso educativo 468967


    EduBook Organización

    • 1482 visitas

    1.1 A new way of thinking Humanism was a cultural movement that began in Italy in the 15th century. Its main characteristics were: A belief in the importance of the human being as the only species with…

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  • Runes and Runic Alphabets (PET)

    EduBook Organización

    • 1381 visitas

    Read the information about Runes. Choose a word for each space. The word Rune comes from an early Anglo-Saxon word that means ‘secret’ or ‘mystery’. The Runic alphabet was a of writing using…

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  • Nova Scotia - About the Author

    EduBook Organización

    • 1 lo usan
    • 1163 visitas

    The story you are going to read takes place in Canada. Anne lives in Nova Scotia. It is one of the three Maritime Provinces1 of Canada and it is on the Atlantic Ocean. The name of the province is Latin…

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  • The Characters

    EduBook Organización

    • 865 visitas

    The story you are going to read takes place in Canada. Anne lives in Nova Scotia. It is one of the three Maritime Provinces1 of Canada and it is on the Atlantic Ocean. The name of the province is Latin…

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  • Juguemos con las palabras. Cambios a lo largo del tiempo | Recurso educativo 93089

    Juguemos con las palabras. Cambios a lo largo del tiempo

    eduCaixa - Obra Social la Caixa Organización

    • 37 lo usan
    • 16843 visitas

    Cualquiera de las lenguas que se hablan en la actualidad es fruto de una evolución. El castellano, el catalán, el gallego, por ejemplo son lenguas que surgieron como evolución del contacto de la…

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  • School Enterprise Challenge | Recurso educativo 31400

    School Enterprise Challenge

    Tiching explorer Organización

    • 4267 visitas

    This project aims at creating small businesses and promote entrepreneurship skills in developing countries schools. It also creates partnerships with UK schools taking part to the same competition. The…

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  • Riff & Raff, escolar jazz sessions.  | Recurso educativo 625549

    Riff & Raff, escolar jazz sessions.

    Editorial Graó Organización

    • 2130 visitas

    Este artículo muestra una experiencia práctica de composición colectiva de jazz con alumnado de secundaria. El rico proceso de experimentación y creación sonora finalizó con la grabación de un CD…

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  • Transición y transiciones a la democracia.  | Recurso educativo 625640

    Transición y transiciones a la democracia.

    Editorial Graó Organización

    • 1839 visitas

    La etimología de la palabra transición proviene del latín trascendere: paso de un lugar a otro o de un estado a otro. En el lenguaje académico relativo a lo político, el término hace referencia a…

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