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Recursos educativos de Transversales para Segundo de Primaria

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Mostrando resultados de 861
  • Needs and wants | Recurso educativo 78465

    Needs and wants

    Tiching explorer Organización

    • 2 lo usan
    • 1883 visitas

    resource consisting of an activity that explores the differences between what we need and what we want

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  • El joc de les puicades | Recurso educativo 29144

    El joc de les puicades

    Tiching explorer Organización

    • 2759 visitas

    Laberint on has de trobar el camí pel qual hi hagi menys risc de que et piquin les abelles. Les abelles es trobem a les flors, escombraries, etc. i per tant s’haurà d’evitar passar pels camins on…

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  • Keyboard climber | Recurso educativo 64537

    Keyboard climber

    Tiching explorer Organización

    • 1 lo usan
    • 2099 visitas

    Game designed to help us improve our typing skills. We type the letters that appear on the screen in order to help the monkey climb the trees.

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  • Story: Sir Doodles | Recurso educativo 77934

    Story: Sir Doodles

    BBC Organización

    • 2 lo usan
    • 1847 visitas

    Interactive story designed to help us develop language and literacy skills. We listen to the text that appears on the screen, and watch the pictures. We learn about road safety.

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  • Prepara't per anar a la platja | Recurso educativo 29139

    Prepara't per anar a la platja

    Tiching explorer Organización

    • 2737 visitas

    Joc educatiu que ensenya com ens hem de protegir del sol quan anem a la platja. El joc consisteix en preparar a un personatge amb tots els elements necessaris per anar a la platja ben protegit, com la…

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  • Right track to healthy eating | Recurso educativo 42052

    Right track to healthy eating

    Tiching explorer Organización

    • 1 lo usan
    • 2319 visitas

    Activity designed to help us learn about the various food groups. We study the food pyramid. We classify items in a lunch according to the food guide pyramid. We foster the importance of eating healthy.

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  • Estem sols a la terra? | Recurso educativo 49357

    Estem sols a la terra?

    Tiching explorer Organización

    • 2362 visitas

    Joc interactiu que ens permet posar en pràctica els nostres reflexos i coneixements i descobrir com cuidar la nostra ciutat.

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  • Story: Billy and the brown out | Recurso educativo 51508

    Story: Billy and the brown out

    Tiching explorer Organización

    • 1 lo usan
    • 2160 visitas

    The resource consists of a video with an animated story. It deals with safety, home appliances, environment, responsability, etc. It's read aloud by Greg Vaughan and the text is written in the video.…

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  • Website: ZisBoomBah | Recurso educativo 56321

    Website: ZisBoomBah

    Tiching explorer Organización

    • 1 lo usan
    • 2154 visitas

    Website designed to help educate kids and parents about food. It contains food games, videos, recipes, tools and information. It's free, but we need to sign up.

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  • La dieta mediterrània

    Martha Garcia Docente

    • 1 lo usan
    • 1950 visitas

    Power point per treballar la dieta mediterrània a partir d'un decàleg i per treballar conceptes TIC com ara cercar, capturar, inserir fotos, penjar un document al google docs, canviar el nom...

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